Učiteljica joj pred cijelim razredom rekla da ima "slonovske noge", a ona je postala fitness model


Dvadesetjednogodišnja studentica kojoj je učiteljica u školi rekla da ima "slonovske noge" pa su je zbog toga maltretirali, sada je fitness model.

Ji Čen (Yi Chen) iz Kalifornije imala je samo deset godina kadA joj se učiteljica rugala zbog debljine nogu, što je vodilo do maltretiranja učenika koji su joj smišljali razne pogrdne nadimke. Prozvali su je, između ostalog, "King Kong Barbie", a čak i vlastita porodica joj je rekla da je "prevelika", piše Unilad.

I didn’t even realize the change.. I guess you could say I was all thighs😅 ✨behind every journey, there’s a story ,one which not all will understand. . . 👈🏼Left: I was starving myself, hoping that I would size down(which I did) because I was always told I was muscular/big/thick. And as you all know.. Asians are pale& skinny, for the most part. I was always athletic, involved in sports, liked to be outdoors, I never fit in the image of a typical Asian girl. I would always get called fat by my family(Asians don’t know what fit or thick is, it’s only fat or skinny😒) dark etc... my peers would always make fun of me for having a bigger donk, even teachers made fun of my thighs.. I still remember the day I quick track because my teacher said I had elephant legs.. that’s the day I let all negativity break me, and I tried so hard to fit In the Asian culture, image, hoping to be accepted. I hated shorts, I hated discussed me to imagine myself in the and the things people would say about my thighs. 👉🏼Right: ya girl said F it, and decided to be herself and do what she loves to do. I didn’t do it for the booty, I didn’t do it for the image, just simply because it’s what I love to do, run, lift, be active!! All the good things come with it, i guess what i loved was never the result, but the progress.. which is why I never really realized the change till now, I’m too happy living the process . . . I guess this is why they keep saying “fall in love with the process” great things always come after, and you won’t even realize it! ❤️❤️ >>please don’t just my old pic 😂💀<< . . . . #fitnessgirl #fitasiangirls #fitgirls #fitspirational #fitness #fitnessmotivation #transformation #beyourself #breakthestereotype #thickthighs #thickgirl #thickwomen #thickasian #gym #gymmotivation #bootygainz #fitbooty #motivation #selflover #selflove #staytruetoyourself #liveyourlife #loveyourself #healthylifestyle #asianswithmuacle #fitfam

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Maltretiranje joj se dogodilo na Tajvanu gdje je živjela, a zbog čega je odustala od sporta, ali i počela izbjegavati obroke. 

Ipak, kada se preselila u Ameriku, s 15 godina, počela je dobivati komplimente na račun svog izgleda pa joj se poboljšalo samopouzdanje.

- Kada su mi ispred čitavog razreda rekli da imam "slonovske noge", to je bilo kao da su dali odobravanje i svima ostalima da komentiraju moje noge. To je bilo loše i užasno, a od toga da su me ljudi nazivali pogrdnim imenima do svakodnevnih negativnih komentara iza leđa - govori ona.

Danas se hrani zdravo, redovno vježba te i drugima pokušava pomoći savjetima. 

Tek prije dvije godine osudila se ponovo pokazati noge te i druge potiče da zavole svoje tijelo, ali i da o njemu vode brigu.

Vlasnik autorskih prava © avaz-roto press d.o.o.
ISSN 1840-3522.
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