Cikotić is asking the Council of Ministers for five million KM to establish a settlement for migrants

We are talking about the purchase of containers for accommodation, preparatory work, diesel generators, the purchase of tents with a heating machine, beds ...

Cikotić: Money for the migrant crisis. Avaz

M. Aščić

Selmo Cikotić, the Minister of Security of B&H, asked the Council of Ministers of B&H for five million marks for, as stated, the management of the migrant crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The draft decision, which is in the possession of "Avaz", requests the allocation of 5,000,000 KM from the reserve of the budget of B&H institutions and international obligations for the current year.

In the decision, Cikotić refers to the conclusions from the regular session of the Presidency of B&H, and states that the funds will be used for the establishment of a container settlement for 3,000 users (migrants, author's comment).

Cikotić: Funds for the container settlement. Avaz

More precisely, as it is stated, it is about the procurement of containers for accommodation, preparatory works, diesel generators, the procurement of tents with a heating machine, bunk beds, in the total amount of 4,700,000 KM.

300,000 KM is required for bedding, blankets and other necessary materials.

It is interesting that the Collegium of the Ministry of Security of BH, which was held on December 14th, clearly said that the containers for accommodating migrants were donations from the Government of Austria, which is why this request to the Council of Ministers is now unclear.

According to the information of "Avaz", these containers should be placed in Krajina, in the area of the already existing migrant settlement "Lipa" .