Stop looking for the culprit, you have a solution: Let Cikotić call Radončić who showed how the ministry is functional and operational

Just look at the framework law on protection and rescue that has just been written for situations similar to this pandemic. The sole responsibility for enforcing this law lies with the Minister of Security

Radončić and Cikotić. The Bosnia Times

The Bosnia Times

Only they can do that - blame everyone else, and do nothing because they are incapable of looking for solutions. This is how the government created by SDA officials behaves regarding the procurement of the vaccines, writes the portal The Bosnia Times.

Thus, SDA MP in the State Parliament Nermin Mandra said that the chairman of the Council of Ministers, Zoran Tegeltija, should be removed, if he continues to behave passively regarding the procurement of vaccines.

While the Prime Minister of the Federation of B&H, Fadil Novalić, sent a public call for help and suggestions for the procurement of vaccines for the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. This way we use the opportunity to inform him that it only takes a little good will and desire to do the same. The Framework Law on Protection and Rescue of Bosnia and Herzegovina provides for a body that has exclusive competencies related to these or similar events.

Instead of trying to shift the responsibility to others and persistently spinning that the chairman of the CoM or the Minister of Civil Affairs are primarily responsible, it is enough to look at the framework law on protection and rescue that was just written for situations similar to this pandemic. The exclusive competence for the implementation of this law lies with the Minister of Security, who has in his hands all the necessary instruments for the complete and efficient procurement and distribution of funds for the protection of the health of the population.

The coordination body is operational at the level of B&H, with no transfer of competencies. Printscreen

On this occasion, it is especially emphasized that this body is a body formed by the decision of the Chairman of the CoM and it is operational at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with no transfer of competencies and operational implementation of decisions remains at lower levels of government.

However, all communication or data distribution is centralized. Stop looking for the culprit, gentlemen Bosniak politicians, it is enough to call your Minister Selmo Cikotić and order him to start doing the job for which heis paid. He owns all the instruments, all it takes is willpower. If something is not clear to him, let him call Fahrudin Radončić, who in the short time he spent at the head of the ministry, ie the coordinating body, showed that it is also functional and operational. During this period, there was effective coordination of all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the country functioned. Stop looking for the culprit, you have solutions, writes The Bosnia Times.