Ajanović for "Avaz": Mehmedagić and Debevec are taking revenge on me because I am a witness against them

He claims that the implants were found in the bags of his colleagues from the faculty, a donation they received during their official stay in the United States, for which there is evidence and official documentation

Debevec, Mehmedagić and Ajanović. Avaz

M. Aš.

Muhamed Ajanović, the dean of the Faculty of Dentistry in Sarajevo, reacted today in a statement for "Dnevni avaz" to the information that he and his colleagues were trying to smuggle implants and bring them into the country. He said that Osman Mehmedagić Osmica, director of the Intelligence and Security Agency of B&H (ISA), was behind the whole hoax, according to his report, he claims, the customs officers searched the delegation of the Faculty of Dentistry and the professors who traveled with them.

Ajanović claims that Mehmedagić and Ranko Debevec, the President of the Court, want revenge on him because he testified in several cases against them.

- ISA B&H, because I am a witness for the Prosecutor's Office of B&H in several cases against Osman Mehmedagić and Debevac, sent an act to the Directorate of the Indirect Taxation Authority to try to stop me, ie incriminate me. Unfortunately for them, they failed. It is a classic hoax - says Ajanović.

Messages that Mehmdagić sent to Ajanović. Avaz

He claims the implants were found in the bags of his college colleagues, a donation they received during their official stay in the United States.

- There is official documentation for everything. However, this is a hoax. I was the target here, but their plan failed. I am under constant threats because Mehmedagić and Debevac are bothered by the truth and what I know about them and their corrupt activities. They want to cover everything up with my discrediting, but they will not succeed - says Ajanović.

Ajanović says that he forwarded messages to the Prosecutor's Office of B&H and foreign embassies in B&H in which Mehmedagić threatened him and connected him with LGBT people.

In addition, I have been warned on several occasions that an attack is being prepared for me. Even Mehmedagić hired certain MMA fighter to threaten me and deal with me physically. There is evidence for everything. Even CCTV photos. And that was reported to the Prosecutor's Office - says Ajanović.