Senka Nožica: There is no reason for Mehmedagić to be detained, the prosecutor missed the point

After all these bad moments that we have in B&H, the security situation in the country is extremely good, says Nožica

Nožica: No grounds for detention. Avaz

M. Aš.

After the hearing of Osman Mehmedagić Osmica, Mehmedagić's lawyer Senka Nožica addressed the media briefly.

She emphasized the arrest of the director of the B&H Intelligence and Security Agency WAS announced a month ago, which is a clear indicator of the political background of this case and that there is no reasonable doubt that MehmedagiĆ committed the crime he is charged with and that there is no reason for detention.

- After all these bad moments that we have in B&H, the security situation in the country is extremely good. If the security situation is good, and another trial is already underway against my client, can anything be concluded other than that this is a product of political games. You just have to include logic. I stand behind these statements and I am ready to answer for them - NoŽica emphasized, adding that prosecutor čavka missed the topic completely and that they clearly showed it in the courtroom.