Indonesia’s Mount Merapi erupts, spewing hot ash

Officials advise residents to remain calm, wear masks

The agency maintains the status of Mount Merapi at “Level III or Alert". AA

H. J. I. / AA

Mount Merapi, located on the border of Indonesia's Central Java and Yogyakarta provinces, erupted three times on Friday, an official said.

Hanik Humaida, the head of the Center for Geological Disaster Research and Technology Development (BPPTKG), said the first eruption occurred at 04.43 AM local time (2143GMT), ejecting hot clouds as far as 3,000 meters away.

The hot clouds covered five villages in two sub-districts namely Cangkringan and Pakem.

-We advise residents to remain calm and wear masks if they go outside to reduce the adverse impact of inhaling volcanic ash- Humaida said in a written statement.

The BPPTKG also recorded the volcano spewing incandescent lava 11 times with a maximum sliding distance of 1,000 meters in the span of six hours.

The agency maintains the status of Mount Merapi at “Level III or Alert."