Brutalno: Djedica ga provocirao cijelu utakmicu, a onda je požalio što se rodio

D. K.


dude bro & his chicka were standing for the entire game. words gradually got more and more escalated. there previously was a single mom and her son between us, they left halfway through the 3rd. after that, the lid was off. the dude took offense to the couple never sitting down and obstructing his view. the victim telling the dude bro how they’re being jerks and how rude they are for not sitting. the dude bro turns around and calls the victim a “geriatric fuck”, “faggot”, and “hick”. then sucker punches him right in the face. i don’t know if he got away or left in handcuffs, but i hope it’s the latter. edit: to clarify further, both the puncher and punchee were wearing Panthers attire. The assailant was seated in section 541, row 24, seat 10.

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Čelnici Američke nogometne lige (NFL) pokrenuli su istragu protiv navijača Karoline Pantersa koji je na tribinama žestoko "išaketao" starijeg muškarca.

Prema riječima autora ovog snimka, do incidenta je došlo jer mladić nije želio sjesti na stolicu, već je cijelu utakmicu prestajao. To je smetalo gledaocu iza njega, koji mu je u više navrata prijetio, upozoravajući ga da sjedne.

Mladić mu je na to prvo uzvraćao uvredama i psovkama, a onda su mu proradili živci te je četiri puta šakom u lice udario gledatelja iza sebe. U namjeri da žestoko isprebija starca donekle su ga spriječili ostali gledaoci.

Kako pišu američki mediji, mladić je identificiran i slijedi mu hapšenje.

Vlasnik autorskih prava © avaz-roto press d.o.o.
ISSN 1840-3522.
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