Radončić: It does not matter who will go to the Presidency of B&H, it is important that those who rule for 30 years are finally dismissed

It is time for the new mayor of Mostar to be Bosniak, said Radončić

Fahrudin Radončić, president of the Alliance for a Better Future of B&H, last night was a guest on Dnevnik D on Federal Television.

In an extremely interesting conversation, Radončić spoke about why HDZ and Dragan Čović should return the favor to Bosniaks after Bakir Izetbegović and Šefik Džaferović ordered SDA councilors in the Mostar City Council in 2004. to vote for the Croatian mayor.

When asked what he expects from tomorrow's constituent session of the Mostar City Council, the president of SBB reminded everyone of the situation from 2004.

- While coming here tonight, I had the opportunity to talk to Mr. Safet Oručević, who was the mayor and who did not know that I am doing an interview with you, but he reminded me of one thing we all know, that is, in 2004. Mr. Bakir Izetbegović, and that is easy to find in "Dnevni list "or in daily press, together with Mr. Džaferović, then gave an order to the people from the SDA to vote for the Croat mayor and thus Mr. Ljubo Bešlić was elected. Because HDZ had 7-8 mandates and they got the mayor position. I think it is fair that the Croats now return us that favour. For a long time on that position was Croat, for 12 years as the head or first man of Mostar, and I really think that it is time for mayor to be Bosniak - said Radončić.

All areas in B&H should deal with the migrant crisis

Also, Radončić warned that the migrant crisis cannot be just a matter of Bosniaks, and that Milorad Dodik should not offer us containers and think that this is enough to solve the migrant crisis.

- The problem happened in 2015. or 2016. when migrants have started coming here. You had a government headed by a Bosniak. You had Mr. Mektić, the Minister of Security. They legalized, consciously or not, the practice that all migrants come to the Federation of B&H, to be even more specific, to the area where Bosniaks live. And when that has been standardized, it has become an ugly practice, and they want to change that now. I asked for the urgent employment of 1,200 border police officers. To set up camps outside the cities, I asked for water, heating,in other words a humane process, to discourage those people and start the legal deportation of illegal migrants. None of that was done and of course that now we are in this situation - said Radončić.

The president of SBB warned that both Dragan Čović and Milorad Dodik must absolutely participate in resolving the migrant crisis. When asked what the government is doing now, Radončić answered:

- Nothing. We are now ready to be a plateau for migrants, and that plateau will not include the Republic of Srpska and the area where Croats live, but Dodik will tell us "here are a few containers for you". All areas in B&H should deal with the migrant crisis together. The role of the international community should also change, because you cannot put up with this kind of pressure on B&H that the EU allows, migrants want to go there, and it ends up at the expense that we will raise the iron curtain, and then small B&H has to deal with the planetary problem called the migrant crisis.

He also explained the reasons for leaving the position of Minister of Security of B&H.

- You know, the public knows why I left the position of Minister of Security. You will find only a few Bosniaks to leave such attractive position, precisely because of different concepts. You remember that I attended the session of the Presidency of B&H, where Mr. Šefik Džaferović, as a member of the Presidency of B&H, gave the right to the Pakistani ambassador, that his people practically come to us in uncontrolled numbers, and not to me as Minister of Security. We have not agreed on the migrant concept. We did not agree on the concept of systemic corruption, the Prosecutor's Office of B&H, respiratory theft, coronation robbery, and we did not agree on the fact that the three ruling parties SNSD, HDZ and SNSD, do not cooperate at all in the Council of Ministers. These were the main reasons - Radončić reminded.

Radončić also explained why SBB is in a hostage position when it comes to the survival of the existing and the formation of the new FB&H Government.

The most important thing is that in a year and a half to two years time, new policy appears

The answer of the president of SBB to the question whether he will run for the Bosniak member of the Presidency in 2022. was also interesting, and what he expects from the new High Representative in B&H.

- I think the most important thing is that in a year and a half to two years time, new policy appears. To make citizens understand that changeability of the government is possible. B&H is the only European country where for 30 years, we are talking here about the SDA, the government is one party or to say one family. I think that in that sense, the strategic question is how the opposition SBB, SDP, Our party,People and justice will position themselves to change the government, so that the citizens see that it is possible to change that government. As for SBB and SDP, we are talking about it and I think Konaković is in the mood. And that is the essence of the future elections, not who will be the candidate for a member of the Presidency. I talked about it, all my political ambitions in the personal sense have been fulfilled, but there must be a change of government in B&H. You see, yesterday, Vučić talked with the presidents of France, Russia and China to get as many vaccines as possible. In B&H, you have a Presidency that does nothing. They deal with the worship of icons or putting their heads in the sand when it comes to the existential problems of citizens, that they do not have any international communication. They say "we are good with Erdogan, we are against the Russians". Well, what now when Erdogan and Putin are building a joint vaccine factory. The future policy in 2022. must be completely dedicated to the economy, development, employment, stopping the emigration of citizens, and the fight against systemic corruption - said Radončić.