SBB: Instead of technical reconstruction,we should elect a new FB&H Government

If there is enough parliamentary support for the announced "reconstruction", then the new FB&H Government can and should be appointed and in that way to finally implement the 2018 election results

Implement the 2018. election results. Avaz

E. T.

On the occasion of the announcement from the top of the SDA that they are preparing to partially fill the Government of the Federation of B&H with two new ministers from the SDA, and this decision they are treating as reconstruction, SBB calls on the SDA leadership to finally unblock the appointment of a new government.

If there is enough parliamentary support for the announced "reconstruction", then the new FB&H Government can and should be appointed and in that way to finally implement the 2018 election results.

SBB is very interested in leaving positions in the Government of FB&H. The future partners of SDA-DF-HDZ will thus enable SBB to finally get out of the hostage position of remaining in the FB&H Government, where we were brought against our will, defending the constitutional action of the Government and preventing anyone's ethnic or one-party domination.