ISA leader panicked after the arrest of Denis Prcić: Osmica revolves around Lagumdžija?!

It is unclear what Mehmedagić did in the HJPC on June 9th, whether he sought protection for himself and Debevec

Miralem Aščić

Mehmedagić: He is knocking on many doors. Avaz

The state of emergency is declared these days in the Intelligence and Security Agency (ISA) of B&H.

The reason is the arrest and detention of Denis Prcić, the owner and founder of the American University in B&H, who is suspected of enabling the director of ISA, Osman Mehmedagić Osmica, to illegally obtain a diploma from this higher education institution.

Record was attached

The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, investigating Prcić, found irrefutable evidence that Mehmedagić forged a diploma from the American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which he submitted to the Commission for Supervision of the ISA, all with the aim of obtaining a new term at the head of this institution. By detaining Prcić and his associate Melisa Belkić-Mujkanović, the Court of B&H confirmed the well-founded suspicion that this was an organized group. This is also stated in the motion for detention.

Prosecutor Oleg Čavka, as confirmed by the Court of B&H, said that the Prosecutor's Office is also conducting a criminal investigation against Osman Mehmedagić, Denis Prcić, Melisa Belkić-Mujkanović and Emir Mujkanović in the "Diploma" affair. They are officially suspected of the criminal offenses of aiding and abetting the perpetrator after committing a criminal offense, abuse of position or authority, falsification of an official document and falsification or destruction of an official document.

As we have learned, the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has even enclosed the record of the interrogation of the suspect Mehmedagić (from which it is evident that the suspect was allowed to present his defense), as well as the order to conduct an investigation (prosecutor's decision on September 8th, 2020).

Prcić: He is in custody. Avaz

But as the truth is coming to light and the Prosecution's evidence becomes irrefutable, Mehmedagić is increasingly in a panic and fear of prosecution and a new trial. Mehmedagić is knocking on many doors these days to stop the Prosecution's investigation. He has been seeking support for days and pressuring members of the B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) to help him.

On June 9th, the ISA leader held a meeting with the President and members of the HJPC, which was confirmed to us by this judicial institution.

As confirmed to us, this was a business meeting attended by the President of the HJPC Halil Lagumdžija, Vice President Sanela Gorušanović-Butigan and the Head of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the HJPC Marjana Popović.

- Vice President Gorušanović-Butigan, in order to avoid a potential conflict of interest, left the meeting at the moment when it was initially indicated that the conversation could concern disciplinary proceedings before the Commission in which she is a member - we were told yesterday from the HJPC .

We learn that Mehmedagić, the day after Prcić's detention, requested a new meeting with members of the HJPC. The day before yesterday, he allegedly asked to meet Lagumdžija again. This time through a mediator from the Court, but the meeting did not take place.

Current investigations

Lagumdžija told us yesterday that the only meeting was held on June 9th.

- There was no second meeting - Lagumdžija told us briefly, who recently stated in an interview with "Avaz" that he came to the HJPC to "change things for the better in the judiciary" and that he would not allow any external pressure on the HJPC.

Lagumdžija: Head of the HJPC. Avaz

Our ISA sources claim that Mehmedagić was in the HJPC with the aim of helping his friend Ranko Debevec, the president of the Court of B&H, against whom disciplinary proceedings are being conducted, and at the same time to harm the Chief State Prosecutor Gordana Tadić.

He is urging for months for prosecutor Čavka to be suspended.

In addition, by going to the HJPC building and meeting with the leaders of this institution, Osmica obviously wanted to send a message that he allegedly has close contacts with the HJPC, and to let the judges and prosecutors prosecuting him and his close partners know that he can influence their decisions.

But all his intentions and benefits that he thought he would have by visiting the HJPC were blown away at the moment when Alisa Mutap was ordered into custody, and later the man who gave him an illegal diploma - Denis Prcić.

Also, in addition to Osmica, Debevec has even more reasons to fear losing his position, as he failed to lobby for a favorable situation for his partner and friend Mehmedagić, neither in the case of Alisa Mutap nor in the case of Prcić.

All this together suggests that professional judges and prosecutors turned their backs on the compromised Debevec and that they are working according to the strict rules of the profession.

And, most importantly, Osmica was sent a message that the president of the HJPC, Halil Lagumdžija, who is already slowly settling the situation in the B&H judiciary, will not break under pressure either.

Server found in Semizovac

The server of the American University in B&H, which the arrested Prcić hid from the investigating authorities for months, was found the day before yesterday in a vacation home in Semizovac.

It is a server with all the data of the American University, registry books and student files. One vacation home in Nišići was also searched.

This server was hidden at the request of Prcić, and yesterday it was handed over to the police officers of the SC Ministry of the Interior by the owner of this vacation home. Today, the server with all the data was handed over to the Court of B&H because this documentation with all the data was requested by the order of the Court of B&H, which ordered the searches of Prcić's properties.