A disciplinary investigation has been launched against the President of the Court of B&H, Ranko Debevec

The Office of the Disciplinary Counsel can confirm that it is investigating allegations of breach of duty by the judicial office holder you allege in your inquiry, the HJPC replied

Debevec: Did he abuse his position. Archive

M. Aščić

The Office of the Chief Disciplinary Prosecutor of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of B&H has initiated a disciplinary investigation against the President of the Court of B&H Ranko Debevec, it was confirmed today for "Avaz".

Three cases against the head of the Court

When asked by "Dnevni Avaz" whether a disciplinary investigation was initiated against the President of the Court of B&H Ranko Debevec, we were answered:

- The Office of the Disciplinary Prosecutor can confirm that it is investigating allegations of violation of the duties of the holder of judicial office that you state in your inquiry - we were answered by the HJPC.

We would like to remind you that after the new evidence published in the media, ie "Dnevni avaz", the Office of the Disciplinary Prosecutor of the HJPC last week formed a new case against the head of the Court of B&H.

Thus, three cases have already been filed against the President of the Court in a few months. The last case was formed after new published evidence of abuses by the head of the Court of B&H, concerning illegal employment, more precisely the fact that he sent questions and answers for the professional exam through the closest associate to the trainee, but also hiding identities and property in Spain.

He was on vacation in Malaga

Earlier, the cases were formed due to inappropriate contact with the accused ISA director Osman Mehmedagić, but also reports from an anonymous letter published in the media ten days ago, regarding the request for Debevec to resign due to, as stated, "numerous abuses of office and fulfilling the wishes of the ISA Director ".

The office will also investigate Debevec's travels to Spain and whether he misused state resources as the head of this judicial institution, at a time when he was on holiday in Malaga with Court of B&H employee Alma Ć., with whom he was in an emotional relationship at the time. In addition, as we wrote, Debevec hid the dual identity and citizenship of the Kingdom of Spain. Also, Debevec did not report in his property card the valuable real estate he owns in Spain and Croatia.

It should be emphasized here that, for example, the mayor of a small municipality in Trnovo, Ibro Berilo, was reported by the Anti-Corruption Office to the Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor's Office because he did not report a much lower value in his property card than Debevec's real estate in Spain, Makarska or Mercedes vehicle which he reported on a relative's name. Therefore, one should probably expect reactions from the Prosecutor's Office of B&H and the conduct of the Disciplinary Prosecutor's Office according to the standard of criminal charges applied, for example, in the Sarajevo Canton by US Prosecutor Eric Larson, an advisor in the Anti-Corruption Office. Because, the president of the Court of B&H must be a much bigger example of the legality of work than a mayor of small Trnovo.