Kevin Smit drastično smršavio nakon srčanog udara i gotovo je neprepoznatljiv



Kevin Smith je u šest mjeseci nakon srčanog udara izgubio 23 kilograma te kaže da se osjeća fantastično.

25. februara Smith je hitno prevezen u bolnicu nakon stand-up nastupa. Tad je imao 116 kilograma, a doktori su mu rekli kako je najbolja stvar koju može učiniti za sebe da smršavi 20-ak kilograma.

This @weightwatchers Ambassador is thrilled to announce that I’VE LOST 51 POUNDS! Six months ago from right now, I was in the hospital recovering from a heart attack I’d had the night before. When I went to my Doctor a week later, she told me “The best thing you can do for yourself now is to lose 50 pounds.” Half a year later, I can report that I followed Doctor’s orders: I started at 256 and now I weigh 205. This is the lightest I’ve been since high school! My hope now is I can slowly lose another 10 with #weightwatchers and get down to my birth weight of 195! But for now, I’m ecstatic to have reached this chunky milestone! I wanna thank #pennjillette for his book #presto, @raycronise for getting me started with his potato famine, and the good folks at #weightwatchers for their app-based program that made it easy to keep track of and control my eating! And I also wanna thank my kid @harleyquinnsmith - the little vegan astronaut who explored this meatless/milkless galaxy ahead of me, leading by example. Since I never wanted to see the inside of a hospital ever again, I simply copied the Kid. So this wasn’t a diet: these results came from a total lifestyle change of eating solely plant-based foods (which is tough because I hate vegetables). But mostly, I wanna thank all of you as well - for the kind and encouraging words along the way. Never underestimate the power of positive feedback: you folks telling me I looked better or healthier helped me stick with it. An encouraging word can really make a difference in someone’s life and your compliments kept me going! And just look where I went! #KevinSmith #WWambassador #WWFreestyle #WWFamily #WWBros #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #WWCommunity #ad *People following the Weight Watchers program can expect to lose 1-2lbs per week.

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Šest mjeseci kasnije, Smith je dostigao svoj cilj i sad teži 93 kilograma, a zasluge pripisuje programu "Weight Watchers", knjizi "Penn Jillette Presto"!, zdravijoj prehrani, ali i kćerki Herli Kvin (Harley Quinn), veganki "koja mu je svojim primjerom pokazala put". 

- Nisam bio lakši od srednje škole - napisao je filmaš koji se nada da će izgubiti još pet kilograma. O svom mršavljenju Smith izvještava na društvenim mrežama. Već u martu uspio je izgubiti devet kilograma u samo osam dana.

U junu je za "Entertainment Tonight" podijelio kako mu je suočavanje sa smrću promijenilo perspektivu po pitanju prehrambenih navika. - Samo sam pretpostavio da ću biti debeo cijeli život i da se nikad neću vratiti na težinu iz srednje škole - rekao je te otkrio kako je nakon srčanog udara razmišljao samo o tome kako se ne želi nikad više vratiti u bolnički krevet.

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