Fitnes trenericu napali jer trudna diže utege

Njeni fanovi smatraju da je to previše za nerođenu bebu


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Jedna od najpoznatijih fitnes trenerica  na svijetu, Kajla Itsines (Kayla), već je dogurala do sredine trudnoće, ali još uvijek redovno trenira. Iako je svoj program "Bikini Body Guide" koji ju je proslavio modificirala, njeni fanovi smatraju da je to previše za nerođenu bebu.

Ne smiješ dizati utege trudna. To boli bebu - napisala je jedna osoba. 

- Osjećam da beba plače - dodala je druga osoba. 

Itsines je odlučila odmah razjasniti situaciju pa je napisala poduže objašnjenje.

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So I was looking at the comments on my last workout video. Firstly, I want to thank you ladies for your support it’s been amazing👏😍. For the ladies who are writing things like “you are not allowed to lift weights while pregnant?!”, “is that safe??”. I want to put this into perspective for you. The weights I’m lifting are rarely over 5 kgs per hand. I want to you keep that in mind as you read this story.... Yesterday, I went to my friends house who had JUST finished vacuuming and mopping. She is VERY pregnant. I watched her pick up her 2 year off the ground and playfully lift her above her head 5-6 times while they laughed together. She then rested her 2 year old on her baby bump as she walked to the car. She put her child in the car AS WELL as a pram (which she had to fold down and then lift into the car) PLUS two other heavy bags. She then drove to a cafe, took the pram OUT of the car, assembled it, took the two heavy bags out of the car AND her child and went to breakfast. No one batted an eyelid, no one said anything, no one helped. I asked her SO MANY times, “can I help you, let me help you, I want to help!!” She said “babe, I do this EVERY DAY, I don’t need your help haha”. Ladies, my point is, working out safely while pregnant is a wonderful thing. I have been active my whole life. As long as you have clearance from your doctor, you CAN workout and you can use weights. Just because I’m standing in a gym with a crop top and shorts, doesn’t make it any less safe to lift something. I do not lift heavy weights, in fact I’ve cut the weight in HALF that I usually use. ✅ For the mums who have had kids... you would be the first to agree that there are PLENTY of things heavier than 5kgs in your house that you would have to lift or move daily (including other children) So in answer to your questions on my videos... no, the weight is not too heavy, it actually feels too light for me. No, I am not hurting the baby. No, my heart rate is not over 150(for the ladies asking) and YES, you can use weights while pregnant 💛💪 Ladies, you just need to follow pregnancy safe exercises (which I am posting on my page) AND you must first have clearance from your doctor 👊

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- Utezi koje dižem imaju jedva pet kilograma. Jučer sam bila kod prijateljice koja je upravo završila s usisavanjem i pranjem podova. U poodmakloj je fazi trudnoće. Gledala sam je kako podiže dvogodišnje dijete i diže iznad glave pet do šest puta. Onda je to isto dijete sjedilo na njenom trbuhu dok ga je nosila u automobil. Stavila ga je u sjedalicu, kao i kolica te još dvije teške torbe - napisala je Itsines i dodala da su se potom odvezle do kafića.

Izvadila je iz automobila kolica, sastavila ih, zatim dvije teške torbe i dijete i otišla na doručak. Niko nije podignuo obrvu, niti pomogao. Sto puta sam je pitala mogu li joj ja pomoći, ali je rekla da ne treba jer to radi svaki dan -  dodala je. 

Poenta njene priče je bila pojasniti da je aktivna cijeli život i da je predivno sigurno vježbati u trudnoći.

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