Popularna influenserica objavila gole fotografije sa plaže

Elizabet Rio. Instagram



Popularna francuska influenserica Elizabet Rio (Elisabeth Rioux) na Instagramu je objavila fotografiju na kojoj pozira potpuno gola na plaži i napisala poduži tekst o golotinji na Instagramu. 

Sve je počelo tako da je Elizabet ranije objavila fotografiju samo u tangama te napisala da bi "ista fotka, ali potpuno gola i bez gaćica dobila 100 hiljada lajkova više".

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Me : “I love naked photos, I’ve posted some and I’ll keep posting it and if you wanna post it with short caption : IT IS 100% OK” People on ig answer : “you’re such an hypocrite cause you also post naked photos so stop hating on girls who post naked photos” Me : *this photo* Like common, you’re not even trying to understand my caption before hating 🤦🏼‍♀️ I really wanted to re formulate my last caption so you have a better understanding and I just reread it and I’m like : yea my english is not the best but that’s super clear. I guess it’s just very difficult to understand when you’re not in the industry which is the reason why I’m explaining it to you, so try better. Girls posting these types of photos is nothing bad, we are all expressing ourselves a certain way. Personally, I do it sometimes because it makes me feel powerful, I know my type of followers might hate on it and not get it so it makes me feel like I’m not posting only for them but also for myself and nobody can hurt my feelings cause I have control on posting it knowing people are gonna hate (opposite example would be: if I post my dogs and I don’t expect anyone to hate on them cause I think everyone will love them as much as I do and finally people hate on them, that would make me so sad) What I am saying is that : being naked on instagram is currently a trend (which is ok) BUT some of us (including myself) keep following the trends our way, instagram is also our job. Some girls will start posting ONLY naked hoping to gain followers AND use feminist captions they don’t even understand. And I’m not talking about anyone particularly, we are the only ones knowing if we do it for the good reasons or not. The thing is that all this battle for feminism is loosing its sense when we don’t post our body to feel free but only for likes cause this is supposed to be about “i do what I want as a women” but for some girls it is a “i do what people want on IG” and write a feminist caption cause this is also trendy which is the opposite movement of why this movement exists. There is also a second part of my caption about the consumer, I’ll explain in my next caption❤️ love xx

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- Volim gole fotografije, objavila sam ih mnogo i nastavit ću to raditi, sviđa mi se što se svi izražavamo i osjećamo slobodno, volim taj osjećaj da radim ono što želim i objavljujem ono što volim bez brige o tome što će drugi misliti, ali to nije ono što se trenutno događa na instagramu. Najpopularniji ljudi na Instagramu trenutno su cure koje objavljuju devet golih fotografija od 10, bez ikakve osobnosti, samo govoreći 'Ja radim ono što želim', 'Moje tijelo, moj izbor'... Da, to je cool. Ako želite samo objaviti gole fotke i citirati feminističke fraze: TO JE 100% OK, ali ono što me doista nervira je da je to ono što pali na Instagramu i to je jedini razlog zašto većina njih objavljuje takve fotografije", napisala je ranije Elizabet, a njeni pratitelji su je napali da je licemjerna jer i ona to radi, prenosi Index.hr.

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Same photo but naked without the panties would get 100k more likes no joke :-) that’s why I stopped posting these days, there’s a trend rn: you have to be naked on literally all your photos to gain .. I’m out for the moment 😅 i love naked photos, I posted many of them and I’ll keep doing it, I like how we all express ourselves and feel free, I like the feeling of doing what I want and posting what I love without caring about judgement but THAT’S NOT WHATS UP RN ON IG ✌🏽 the trendiest people on ig rn are all girls being fully naked 9 photos out of 10, having no personality except saying “I do what I want” “my body my choice” .. yea right, that’s cool. If you wanna only post naked and quote feminist phrases: THAT IS 100% OK but what really annoys me is that this is what works on IG rn and that’s the reason why most of them are doing it. They’re not doing it cause “they do what they want with their bodies” , they are slaves of what YOU consume (cause let’s not forget that IG for most of these girls is their job and they HAVE to keep up with what works best for their career) in a certain way, they are “forced” to only post that without deepest captions than quoting others words cause they don’t really know much about feminism and why it is important, they just post naked cause that’s what does better 🤷🏼‍♀️ PS: i repeat, your social media = your choice , the problem I am trying to explain rn is not the people posting these photos, it is the people who consume ONLY that AND complain about how “fake and p*rn and wtv” what social media is.also the loose of sense in this feminism movement are showing body parts and body is art, I just wanna be sure the people talking about it and putting themselves in this category ACTUALLY know why it exists. Ps: I am not taking about anyone particularly, this is just super trendy rn and it is difficult to see who does it for the good reasons and who does it for the engagement and $. What I think is that we shouldn’t follow the “hottest body feminist girl” we should instead follow the ones that make more sense, brings more to the table and can talk about it in a deepest way and her own way. it seems like it’s more about looks

A post shared by Elisabeth Rioux 👙 (@elisabeth.rioux) on

Ona je zatim objavila potpuno golu fotografiju sebe i nastavila s objašnjavanjem.

- Ono što govorim jest da je biti gola na Instagramu trenutno trend (što je u redu), ali neki od nas (uključujući i mene) nastavljaju pratiti trendove na naš način, Instagram je i naš posao. Neke djevojke će početi objavljivati ​​SAMO gole fotografije u nadi da će dobiti sljedbenike i koristit će feminističke natpise koje čak i ne razumiju. I ne govorim o nikome posebno, mi smo jedini koji znamo hoćemo li to učiniti iz kvalitetnih razloga ili ne. Stvar je u tome da sva ova bitka za feminizam gubi smisao kada ne objavljujemo svoje tijelo da bi se osjećale slobodno, već samo zbog lajkova. Takave objave bi trebale biti zbog 'radim ono što želim kao žena', ali za neke djevojke je postalo 'radim ono što ljudi žele vidjeti na Instagramu' pa pišu feminističke citate samo zato jer je i to trendi. To je suprotno onome zbog čega ovaj pokret postoji - napisala je ona.

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